Charity Fund will distribute almost CZK 2 mil.


Charity Fund will distribute almost CZK 2 mil.

In the autumn of 2019, there was an invitation of the VÍTKOVICE STEEL Charity Fund again thanks to which non-profit organisations and individuals will gain almost CZK 2 million.

The invitation lasted from 2 September to 11 October 2019 and numerous interesting projects were submitted to it. Our employees of course also took their opportunity and sent their projects within the PEOPLE FROM STEEL HELP programme (LIDÉ ZE STEELU POMÁHAJÍ).

After a long discussion the Managing Board decided to support: 19 projects submitted by public entities and 8 projects from our employees, i.e. from the PEOPLE FROM STEEL HELP programme. The projects support children, seniors, patients with cerebral palsy, science and research as well as civilisation diseases.

